College Work

Creative Hat Portrait 

One of the first projects i had to do for college was a creative hat portrait, where we had to make a creative hat suited to the models personality and photograph them wearing it under studio lighting. Here is a few successful shots from the project.

Shoe Project 

Still Life Image 

For this project we had to create a still-life image that advertised a style, brand or pair of shoes. Alongside this the image had to display a concept or narrative relating to one of the allocated titles we were given which my case it was 'Head over Heels'.

Moving Image 

Still relating to the allocated title 'Head Over Heels'. As a group project we had to create a 10 second moving image again advertising a brand, style or pair of shoe's. 

Please feel free to make any comments.

Multiple Composite 

For this project we had create a multiple composite, for those of you who don't know what that is, it is basically taking two pictures and editing them to make one image. This project also had to have a concept i decided to go with litter dropping and how animals get trapped in rubbish that could then potentially injure and kill them. But instead of using an animal i decided to put a human in an animals situation. 

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